Monthly Archives: August 2008

Cro Magnon man in Europe and Africa.

So, I found a good facial reconstruction of a Cro Magnon, and it reminds me of the Welsh rugby team for some reason. Mr Mathilda thinks it looks liike Andre Agassi though. He has a point.

According to modern studies on the skulls, the Finns are a pretty good match for the Cro Magnon European skulls, just being slighlty less robust now. It’s quite possible they commonly had ginger hair, not dark, as several European variants of ginger hair seem to date to thirty thousand years old and older. Cro Magnons were tall, strong and very muscular, much more so than the modern population of Europe who have ‘gracile’ thinner bones.

Cro Magnon type skulls, called Mechtoid skulls are also found over North Africa. Genetic evidence also supports a Eurasian back migration into North Africa ~30,000 BP. The North African ‘Cro Magnids’ differed slightly from their European cousins, with a lower sloping forehead and heavier brows, and slightly wider noses. They seem to share some affinites with the Nubian population also, but less than with the European Cro Magnons. To date, no African population has been found that has Mechtoid characteristics, suggesting they were absorbed in sub Saharan Africa into the later Bantu expansion, and in the North by the later Capsian culture.

Oranian ‘mechtoid’ skull, sans incisors. Kiffian mechtoid skull from central Niger

Cro Magnon skull (cast) from Les Eyzies de Tayac, and Mladec man.

The Mechtoids seem to me to hint at some Neanderthal ancestry, with their lower foreheads and occipital buns (you did get Neanderthals in North Africa too).

This abstract agrees with my observation with a movement North along the Nile after the Cro Magnon colonisation of North Africa, as the Mechtoids show some Nubian affinites as you move East, but not at the more western Moroccan site of Taforalt. This Negroid affiinity seem to have been more or less wiped out along the Mediterranean coast by the expansion of the Neolithic farmers from West Asia, who heralded the beginning of the Capsian culture.

The Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Populations of Northern Africa.



We studied three northern African samples of human cranial remains from the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary: Afalou-bou-Rhummel, Taforalt, and Sudanese Nubia (Jebel Sahaba and Tushka), and compared them to late Pleistocene Europeans and Africans. Despite their relatively late dates, all three of our own samples exhibit the robusticity typical of late Pleistocene Homo sapiens. As far as population affinities are concerned, Taforalt is Caucasoid and closely resembles late Pleistocene Europeans, Sudanese Nubia is Negroid, and Afalou exhibits an intermediate status. Evidently the Caucasoid/Negroid transition has fluctuated north and south over time, perhaps following the changes in the distribution of climatic zones.

A mainly caucasoid piopulation in North africa is also supported by this ancient DNA study.

Mitochondrial diversity in the Taforalt population (circa 12,000 BP, Morocco): a genetic approach to the study of the peopling of North Africa.)


The population exhumed from the archaeological site of Taforalt in Morocco (12,000 years BP) is a valuable source of information toward a better knowledge of the settlement of Northern Africa region and provides a revolutionary way to specify the origin of Ibero-Maurusian populations. Ancient DNA was extracted from 31 bone remains from Taforalt.The HVS1 fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region was PCR-amplified and directly sequenced. Mitochondrial diversity in Taforalt shows the absence of sub-Saharan haplogroups suggesting that Ibero-Maurusian individuals had not originated in sub-Saharan region. Our results reveal a probable local evolution of Taforalt population and a genetic continuity in North Africa.

The burials at Gobero.

Quite recently, information has been released on a burial site in Gobero, in central Niger. Burials from two eras have been found; from the Kiffian culture, roughly 9,700 years ago, then the later Tenerian culture about 6,500 years ago. This site  is the source of the information, and is well worth a good look.

The Kiffians

The Kiffian culture is associated with the wavy line pottery pottery found in the Sahara. So far the earliest date for this pottery is an unreliable 11,400 years from Mali (it’s sediment dated). This wavy line pottery was spread all over the Sahara, and eventually made it as far as Nubia about 9,500 years ago. However, pottery turns up in Iran just prior to the pottery in Nubia, so it’s unclear to where the original point of discovery was, as there’s no nice ‘bullseye’ pattern of dates as yet to give a location. But there does seem to be a reasonable case for the Mechtoid people to have discovered pottery in the Sahara.

The Kiffians appeared to be hunter gatherers, hunting with barbed harpoons and fishing with carved hooks.

The Kiffians were exceptionally tall, with heights of 2m not uncommon . The bodies were found in tightly curled up foetal positions, suggesting they had been tighly bound up at burial, or perhaps buried in basketry. The bones themselves were stained a dark brown by repeated inundations. There doesn’t seem to have been much evidence of personal items in the burials, with no jewellery being found other than the odd bead.

The Craniofacial dimensions of the skulls suggests that these people were related to the contemporary people of Mali and Mauritania, who in turn were related to the Mechta Afalou people of the Mahgreb. This concurs with observations about Eurasian haplotypes moving into the southern Sahara at some ancient time (Mt DNA haplotype U and Y chromosome R1b). These people seem to have split off from the Southern Cro Magnons about 30,000 years ago or more, but also have a minor affinity to Nubian populations, probably from the Wadi Halfa northwards expansion about 25,000 years ago.

These people abandoned Gobero when the climate dried out about 8,000 years ago.

Principal components analysis of craniofacial dimensions among Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene populations from the Maghreb and southern Sahara.

Plot of first two principal components extracted from a mean matrix for 17 craniometric variables (Tables 4, 7) in 9 human populations (Table 3) from the Late Pleistocene through the mid-Holocene from the Maghreb and southern Sahara. Seven trans-Saharan populations cluster together, whereas Late Pleistocene Aterians (Ater) and the mid-Holocene population at Gobero (Gob-m) are striking outliers. Axes are scaled by the square root of the corresponding eigenvalue for the principal component. Abbreviations: Ater, Aterian; EMC, eastern Maghreb Capsian; EMI, eastern Maghreb Iberomaurusian; Gob-e, Gobero early Holocene; Gob-m, Gobero mid-Holocene; Mali, Hassi-el-Abiod, Mali; Maur, Mauritania; WMC, western Maghreb Capsian; WMI, western Maghreb Iberomaurusian.

DNA studies of the Taforalt population  that is the closest to the Kiffians on the chart (WMC)shows no Sub Saharan Mt DNA in it, just Eurasian specific lineages H, U, JT, V (90.5%) and North African specific U6. This is also supported by this study..

The Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Populations of Northern Africa.



We studied three northern African samples of human cranial remains from the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary: Afalou-bou-Rhummel, Taforalt, and Sudanese Nubia (Jebel Sahaba and Tushka), and compared them to late Pleistocene Europeans and Africans. Despite their relatively late dates, all three of our own samples exhibit the robusticity typical of late Pleistocene Homo sapiens. As far as population affinities are concerned, Taforalt is Caucasoid and closely resembles late Pleistocene Europeans, Sudanese Nubia is Negroid, and Afalou exhibits an intermediate status. Evidently the Caucasoid/Negroid transition has fluctuated north and south over time, perhaps following the changes in the distribution of climatic zones.

It would seem that the Eurasian deirived mechtoids of Western Morocco followed the coast around as far as Mali, and moved inland as the Sahara turned into Savannah.

The later Holocene buirals at Gobero where of a very different people, the Tenereans. These people recolonised the Gobero lake area about 7,000 years ago when the rains returned.

The darker skull is a Kiffian, the lighter a Tenerian. As can be sen, they are very different shapes.

The Tenereans.

These were a much shorter, more gracile people, who farmed and kept domesticated animals. They were much smaller and lightly build. As yet, studies of their skulls have failed to associate them with another known population, and they vanished when the Sahara began it’s present dessication, about 4,500 years ago.

One remarkable burial was found, a woman with two children embracing each other, from the Tenerian era.

It’s unclear how they died, but they seem to have buried with a lot of flowers (pollen found in the grave) as well as four arrowheads.

This is explained much better in the publication by the team studying the burials.

Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change

Approximately two hundred human burials were discovered on the edge of a paleolake in Niger that provide a uniquely preserved record of human occupation in the Sahara during the Holocene (~8000 B.C.E. to the present). Called Gobero, this suite of closely spaced sites chronicles the rapid pace of biosocial change in the southern Sahara in response to severe climatic fluctuation.

Methodology/Principal Findings
Two main occupational phases are identified that correspond with humid intervals in the early and mid-Holocene, based on 78 direct AMS radiocarbon dates on human remains, fauna and artifacts, as well as 9 OSL dates on paleodune sand. The older occupants have craniofacial dimensions that demonstrate similarities with mid-Holocene occupants of the southern Sahara and Late Pleistocene to early Holocene inhabitants of the Maghreb. Their hyperflexed burials compose the earliest cemetery in the Sahara dating to ~7500 B.C.E. These early occupants abandon the area under arid conditions and, when humid conditions return ~4600 B.C.E., are replaced by a more gracile people with elaborated grave goods including animal bone and ivory ornaments.


The principal significance of Gobero lies in its extraordinary human, faunal, and archaeological record, from which we conclude the following:

  • The early Holocene occupants at Gobero (7700–6200 B.C.E.) were largely sedentary hunter-fisher-gatherers with lakeside funerary sites that include the earliest recorded cemetery in the Sahara.
  • Principal components analysis of craniometric variables closely allies the early Holocene occupants at Gobero with a skeletally robust, trans-Saharan assemblage of Late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene human populations from the Maghreb and southern Sahara.
  • Gobero was abandoned during a period of severe aridification possibly as long as one millennium (6200–5200 B.C.E).
  • More gracile humans arrived in the mid-Holocene (5200–2500 B.C.E.) employing a diversified subsistence economy based on clams, fish, and savanna vertebrates as well as some cattle husbandry.
  • Population replacement after a harsh arid hiatus is the most likely explanation for the occupational sequence at Gobero.

We are just beginning to understand the anatomical and cultural diversity that existed within the Sahara during the Holocene.

Capsian burials and dismemberment of the dead.

Cutmarks on Capsian Human Remains: Implications for Maghreb Holocene Social Organization and Palaeoeconomy


Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

 In 1930, the remains of five adults, one subadult, and one infant were excavated from Site 12, a ca. 8000 BP Capsian escargotie` re in Algeria. Recently, cutmarks were found on several postcranial bones of each of the adult individuals. In an attempt to reconstruct the burial ircumstances, archival materials including photographs and field notes were retrieved from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the Logan Museum at Beloit College, and a detailed study of the cutmarks was carried out.

The cutmarks are associated mostly with long bones and skulls, while two individuals show cutmarks on the thorax. Using theories relating secondary burial practices to a nomadic lifestyle, it is hypothesized that the individuals died away from camp. Initial preparations, while awaiting transport to Site 12, involved limited exposure, followed by decapitation, dismemberment, and possibly defleshing of the thorax and removal of the internal organs. At Site 12, a formal burial ceremony was conducted during which red ochre was used. In some cases the dismembered extremities were placed in the grave with the rest of the body, but several skulls and long bones are missing. It is not known what the missing bones were used for, although Capsian groups are known for modifying human bones for either utilitarian or ritual purposes.

This is the first time that cutmarks on human remains are reported for this area and period. The idea that Capsian people practiced decapitation and dismemberment has been suggested before, based on  observations on other sites, however. Studies of human skeletal material from the Maghreb, often excavated decades ago, may therefore reveal similar types of evidence. It is suggested that such studies will contribute significantly to our understanding of Holocene Maghreb burial practices, and our ability to reconstruct social organization and palaeoeconomy.


The cutmarks

Table 1 summarizes the findings regarding the cutmarks and deposition anomalies for each of the individuals. A more detailed description of the cutmarks is presented in Table 2 and the general anatomical location of the cutmarks is shown in Figure 6. From this figure it is clear that each individual was treated in a different way, although there is a general tendency for the cutmarks to be concentrated in the cervical
region and around joints, suggesting decapitation and (partial) dismemberment. In addition, skeletons 3A-6 and 3A-7 show marks in different areas of the thorax. The cutmarks are more fully discussed below. The pattern of missing skeletal elements is also shown in Figure 6, which very strongly suggests intentional removal of skulls and long bones.


The crania from individuals 3A-6 and 3A-7 are missing, while the skulls and mandibles for individuals 3A-1 and 3A-5 were found to the side of the body, indicating that there was a special significance to skulls. Because separation of the skull with the atlas and some limbs is described as generally occurring relatively early during natural disarticulation (Haglund, 1991), the cutmarks associated with exactly these skeletal elements indicate that the skulls and long bones were obtained shortly after death.

The posterior location of the marks on the atlas of 3A-2 and 3A-5 (Figures 7–9), and the anterior location of the marks on the axis of 3A-2 and 3A-6 (Figures 10 and 11) indicate that severing of the muscles and ligaments to separate the skull from the vertebral column was done from both sides by drawing the knife across the tissues repeatedly, leaving several marks on the bone. It is possible that, while the ligaments around these vertebrae were cut, accidental marks were made on the ramus of the mandible. For Site 12, all the cutmarks associated with decapitation have been observed on C1 and C2 and seem to have been made with a sharp tool.

Another ‘bookmarked’ pdf for the files.

Decapitation seems to be a common theme along the Mahgreb and into the levant, with decapitation and decoration of skulls seen in ancient Southern Turkey and Jericho. These cultures also occasionally yanked out the front teeth, a cultural behaviour going back to the Oranian culture. The main reason for this dismemberment seems to have been ‘defleshing ‘ the body so it could be carried back to a burial site at a later date, maybe as some kind of funerary ritual or just for practical purposes. Possibly to flesh was removed to prevent wild animals disturbng the graves. It’s interesting that one skull mentioned had a false tooth in it, apparently inserted post mortem.

The Capsian people were probably the descendants of the first agriculturalist/pastoralists that moved out of the Southern Turkey area, with a more ancient ancestry from the earlier ‘Mechtoid’ people, who seem to have migrated into North Africa from Eurasia about 30,000 years ago. Their skulls are described as generally being ‘proto-Mediteranean’, with gracile bones. They are the ancestors of modern Berbers, whose DNA shows a continuity of about 30,000 years in North Africa.

Prehistoric North Africa (link to pdf)

Late Pleistocene -early Holocene Mahgreb.

Just a link I’m storing to a reasonably thorough description of North Africa from about 20,000 years ago to about 7,000 BC. It’s for my own reference really.

The population of the Sahara at this time were ‘Mechtoid’ who were mostly similar to European ‘Cro Magnons’, and were probably mostly mt DNA haplotype U, and Y chromosome R1b. I can’t speculate as to thier external appearance, but they represent a back migration into Africa from Eurasia, dated to about 30,000 years by DNA studies.




Study of teeth from Wadi Halfa

Dentition of a mesolithic population from Wadi Halfa, Sudan

The dentition of a Mesolithic population (8,000-11,000 years old) from Wadi Halfa, Sudan, can be characterized as morphologically complex, massive and relatively free from pathology except that associated with extreme wear.
Maxillary incisors show shoveling. All of the maxillary molars show some development of the hypocone. Supernumerary cusps appear frequently. Almost one-half of the second lower molars observed show distally located third cusps. Over one-half of the maxillary third molars show an extra cusp. A high percentage of mandibular molars show six cusps.
Overall the teeth from this population compare favorably in size with those of an Australian aborigine tribe and are slightly larger than the teeth of the Neanderthaloids from Skhl.
The teeth show wear of a degree greater than that found in present day Eskimo or Australian aborigine groups.
This data may be interpreted as indicating that this Mesolithic group was subjected to rigorous selective pressures favoring large and/or morphologically complex teeth. This pressure was apparently intensive wear, presumably caused by the inclusion of large amounts of grit in the diet through the eating of vegetable food macerated on coarse grinding stones.

It seems they needed really strong teeth to cope with the grit in the grain. These people were grinding and eating wild wheat up until about 6,000 BC.

Ancient Egyptian hair and wigs.


Joann Fletcher

The hair of the ancient Egyptians has only relatively recently become the subject of long-term,  serious study after long being regarded as a rather “frivolous” subject when compared to the texts and chronologies pored over by generations of learned men. Unfortunately such an attitude  created something of an imbalance in Egyptology, and although of immense importance, literary  evidence is by no means the only way to understand a culture. And given literacy rates of less than 1%, it can hardly be the best way to study the lives of the ancient Egyptians themselves.

Yet this of course depends on whom one imagines the Egyptians to be. Certainly for many  scholars, ancient Egypt seems to have been populated by a literate male elite of kings, priests and scribes while the silent majority have simply been dismissed as little more than illiterate “peasants”.

But these same “peasants” who built the monuments and produced the wealth on which the  culture was based deserve to be the subject of serious study too, regardless of their ability to  produce convenient written evidence. As an alternative source of information the remains of the people themselves provide a wealth of evidence, with Egypt’s democratic climate preserving both  the artificially mummified bodies of the elite and the remains of the poorest individuals. Simply  buried in the sand, the hot dry conditions promoted natural mummification by allowing the fluids  responsible for decomposition to drain away while at the same time desiccating and preserving  the soft tissue of skin, hair and nails. Not only were these features subject to various forms of  adornment, they also contain a great deal of information which can be extracted using virtually  nondestructive techniques of analysis.

With scientific research becoming increasingly detailed, each part of the body is beginning to tell  its own fascinating story. This is particularly the case with hair, which Egyptians of all social  groups treated in a wide variety of ways for a wide variety of reasons. The way they chose to  portray it and the resulting development of hair styles can also be used to establish a useful  chronology for the whole dynastic period, which can then be compared to the various types of hair remains that have survived.

Yet it is clear from both the archaeological remains and the artistic and literary record that the Egyptians’ hair was not always their own, a choice dependent on personal preference, wealth and  social status and influenced by the fashions which inevitably changed over several millennia. The wigs and hair extensions worn as items of both daily and funerary attire combined the desire for  ornate and impressive styles with the practicalities of cleanliness. In Egypt’s extreme climate, the  coolest option of a shaven or cropped head could be shielded from the harmful effects of the sun with a wig, a choice preferable to a simple linen head cloth as it would allow body heat to escape  through its net-like foundation base while keeping the head protected. The removal of the natural hair and subsequent adoption of wigs was also a hygienic measure and greatly reduced the healthrisks associated with parasitic infestation, particularly head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis).

Indeed, the Greek historian Herodotus stated that “Egyptian priests shave their bodies all over every other day to guard against the presence of lice, or anything else equally unpleasant, while they are about their religious duties.”

The hair used in the construction of wigs and hair extensions was human, and was either an individual’s own hair or had been traded for, hair itself being a valuable commodity ranked alongside gold and incense in account lists from the town of Kahun. Once the required amounts of hair had been collected, it would be sorted into lengths and any tangles removed with fine-toothed combs which also removed any  lice eggs, traces of which can still sometimes be found between their teeth. Using an impressive array of hairdressing tools, the wigmakers would then work the prepared lengths of hair into an assortment of braids, plaits or curls depending upon the style required, with each piece coated in a warmed beeswax and resin fixative mixture which would harden when cooled. Since the melting point of beeswax is 140°–145°F, this method of securing the hair would have been effective even in Egypt’s extreme climate.

Hairdressing scene of Queen Nefru, 11th Dynasty, Deir el-Bahari, Brooklyn Museum.
Photo copyright Dr. Joann Fletcher.

The individual locks or braids could then be attached directly to the natural hair in the form of extensions, or alternatively they could be used to create a whole wig by fastening the individual sections of hair onto a mesh-type foundation base manufactured on a head-shaped wooden mount. Although linen strings or leather strips were occasionally employed in its construction, the base was most often made from fine lengths of plaited or woven hair. The separate locks could then be attached by weaving them directly into wefts of hair which in turn formed part of the net base, or alternatively knotting them into position.

A further method was to attach each lock by looping its root end around a part of the net and pressing it back on itself, securing it by winding a smaller substrand of hair around it and applying  a further coating of the beeswax and resin mixture. Such construction techniques and the obvious skill of the wigmakers themselves produced wigs of a standard often equivalent to  modern examples, and despite continued speculation that their weight might be sufficient to  cause parietal thinning of the skull(!), their lightweight construction would have made them as  equally easy to wear.

Our recent discoveries at the manual workers’ cemetery at Hierakonpolis reveal the use of hair  extensions as early as 3400 BCE5, with the earliest fragments of actual wigs dated to the very  beginning of the dynastic period. These have been found in relatively large numbers at the Umm el-Qa’ab necropolis at Abydos and, despite their fragmentary nature, nevertheless reveal highly  complex construction techniques that involved lengths of hair weft to which a wide variety of curls, ringlets and plaits were attached.

Although there are relatively few “hair finds” from the Old Kingdom, the 11th Dynasty necropolis  at Deir el-Bahari has produced a wealth of fascinating examples relating to the court of  Mentuhotep II (c. 2061-2010 BCE). Several of the king’s wives were discovered in a wonderful state of preservation, including his 20-year-old “Great Royal Wife”, Ashayet, whose own short,  bobbed hair had been set in numerous fine plaits. The ends of each had been secured with a drop of resin fixative and her natural dark brown colour had been enhanced with an application of dark  brown vegetable colorant. Yet perhaps the most interesting example was found in the mass grave  of the king’s soldiers, one of whom was found to have supplemented his own hair with short  curled extensions of false hair. Since his burial seems to have been hastily carried out following  battle, this cannot be explained as a post-mortem feature and must have been worn in life,  supporting the theory that hair was the soldier’s only protection prior to the introduction of  helmets.

The oldest intact wigs also date from this period, the earliest of which would appear to be that  found in the tomb of the priestess Amunet. Wigs were also discovered within their wooden  storage boxes in a number of 12th Dynasty tombs around the cemetery site of el-Lisht, and  despite their poor state of preservation they all appear to have been made of human hair coated  in a resinous fixative substance.   By the New Kingdom, the range of wigs and false braids that have survived reflect the large number of styles fashionable at the time for both men and  women. A particularly fine example from Thebes and now in the British Museum Man’s  double-style wig, New Kingdom, Thebes, British Museum,is composed entirely of human hair set in  two distinct sections: an upper part of light brown curls set over an undersection of several  hundred dark brown plaits which originally measured up to 38cm (14.96 inches) in length.

This is clearly an example of the “double” (or “duplex”) style so favored by male officials and  noblemen of the period, but repeated references to “a noblewoman’s wig” reflect a tendency to  assign anything vaguely decorative as having belonged to a woman.

A similar unprovenanced example of slightly later New Kingdom date, now in Berlin, again features  this arrangement of curls and plaits set on a net base, with a further fragmentary example of the  same double style formed by the portions of Yuya’s wig found in his tomb (KV 46) in the Valley of the Kings. An intriguing sample of “artificially curled ringlets”, suggestive of a shorter  wig, was discovered in a small calcite chest among the funerary equipment of Yuya’s probable  great-grandson, Tutankhamun. The Nubian fan bearer, Maherpra, was also buried in the Royal  Valley, but in contrast to the previous highly artificial styles he wore a unique coiffure of short tight  spirals of his own heliotrichous (Negroid) hair set over his shaven head, creating the impression  of a totally natural style.

It is also quite apparent that women’s wigs were considerably less elaborate than those worn by  men and consequently appear more natural. The best preserved example of the long full style so  favored by New Kingdom women was found inside the tall wooden wig box of Meryt in the Deir el-Medina tomb she shared with her husband Kha. It is made of numerous wavy braids of dark brown hair a little over 50cm (19.68 inches) long, set by means of complex knot work around the narrow plait which forms a central parting. A similar wig of long plaits was found on the head of the mummy of the princess Hontempet who had also been provided with a second wig, made up of artificially curled locks complete with a fringe of small ringlets.

The wig of Hontempet and the mummy of Nofretari.

In addition to complete wigs, individual braids were employed to create wider and longer dimensions. The hair of a man buried at el-Mustagidda had been artificially lengthened with human hair attached to his own hair with thread, while the wavy brown hair of Queen Meryet-Amun had been filled out around the crown and temples with numerous tapered braids to produce the “top-heavy” effect fashionable at the time. She had also been buried with a duplicate set of braids as part of her funerary equipment, and similar sets of false braids were found in the burials of the female relatives of Hatshepsut’s great official Senenmut. A large number of tapered plaits of dark brown human hair had been attached to the short grey curls of his mother, Hatnefer and, arranged in two thick masses at each side of her head, the ends had been set in two rounded sections to create the so-called “Hathor” curled, bouffant style featured in artistic representation.

False braids could also be worn to denote religious affiliation, with devotees of the goddess Hathor sometimes attaching a triple strand of braids at the back of the head. And on a more practical level, such braids could also be used to disguise areas of baldness most often caused by old age. The mummy identified as Queen Tetisheri was found to have substantial plaits of brown hair woven into her own sparse white locks, and a similar technique had been employedby the hairdressers of Queen Ahmose-Nofretari and Hontimihou.

Wigs clearly remained high status items during the Third Intermediate Period, with the double style well represented by the enormous wigs on display in the Cairo Museum that were discovered in the Deir el-Bahri cache of priests’ mummies discovered in 1881. One such wig was found inside a box bearing the seals of High Priest Menkheperre, and despite its huge double-part structure of curls and plaits, it was assumed to have belonged to his wife, Istemkheb. Yet the wig that was recently identified as hers is much smaller, a simply creation of curls and typical of the short, feminine styles of the time. A further seven huge examples of the male double style from the same cache again exhibit the two-part construction of curls and plaits of human hair, although small bundles of date palm fiber were used as an internal padding in order to create impressive dimensions while economizing on hair.

The same trend can be found in the construction of many of the women’s wigs of the period, the dark brown plaits of Queen Nodjmet’s wig being described as being “tied to strings” to form the foundation base. Linen was also employed as the base for the plaited hair which made up the wig of Nany, Chantress of Amun-Ra, while a wig composed entirely of “black string” set in narrow  spirals was found at the head of Queen Hentawy.

Despite losing popularity during the Late Period, the fashion for wigs was revived during Roman  times. Although the most elaborate examples were again made entirely of date palm fibre or grass,  hair was still used in the production of other wigs and smaller hairpieces. A section of plaited hair set in a rigid crescent shape and supported by 62 bronze pins was found at the settlement site of  Gurob, and known as an “orbis”, was described as “probably the only example surviving of a  well-known hairdressing of the period of Trajan”.

Short curled wig of Istemkheb, 21st Dynasty,Deir el-Bahari cache (DB 320), Cairo Museum.
Photo copyright Dr. Joann Fletcher.

Despite such wonderful examples of the hairdresser’s art, it seems surprising that hair had never  received the detailed treatment it so obviously deserved. When not ignored altogether, it had  tended to be misinterpreted, as exemplified by the way in which many archaeologists and curators often assume that all hair fragments are “wigs” when closer examination can reveal that this is  simply not the case.

Rather more disturbing are the attempts to use hair to prove assumptions of race and gender,  one of the most extreme examples involving the 1888 Gurob excavations of Sir W.M. Flinders Petrie. Having discovered a body of unspecified sex, he noted that the head was covered by “a copious wig of black hair, reaching down to the waist, but beneath this on the scalp was yellow or light brown hair”. He goes on to conclude that “the person was light-haired during life, and wore a wig of black, hiding the foreign token” … an interesting comment given Petrie’s attempts to find evidence to support his theories of Aegean settlers. Yet our analysis of the “black wig” has shown that it originally formed part of a dark blue woollen head cover, and far from disguising his or her fair hair, the individual in question had actually accentuated its lightness with a yellow vegetable colorant.

Unfortunately, such attitudes have by no means disappeared and there is still the tendency to assume that bodies with short or shaven hair are male and those with long or intricately styled hair are female, when again this is simply not the case. Human hair was treated in a wide variety of ways for an equally wide variety of reasons, and so all aspects should be carefully considered.

First and foremost it is necessary to ascertain the precise nature of the hair in question and decide if it is the natural scalp hair, albeit desiccated and possibly separated from the scalp itself. Alternatively, the hair could be described as “false”, i.e. originally part of a wig or separate extensions. There is also the possibility that the hair could be one of the many votive or funerary deposits buried separately from the body, a practice found from Predynastic to Roman times despite its frequent omission from excavation reports.

Once the nature of the sample has been established, it is then possible to undertake examination  using a variety of techniques, all of which can provide some incredible details about the individual  in question, from their general state of health and quality of diet to their social status and even profession. A simple visual examination can establish basic facts such as condition, color and length,  evidence of styling techniques and any parasitic infestation, particularly the presence of head lice capable of transmitting diseases such as typhus and relapsing fever and so useful in the study of  disease transmission, we have found evidence for lice in the hair of kings and commoners alike, demonstrating that lice are no respecters of social status. And contrary to popular belief, they much prefer clean short hair which gives easy access to the scalp’s blood supply on which they must feed five times each day in order to survive. Their presence in hair samples can also be used to confirm the identification of natural hair rather than a wig, since lice can only thrive in the natural hair rather than in a wig which could be removed at any time and thus proving a totally unsuitable habitat. Such parasitic infestations can be examined in greater detail using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which is also used to look at the surface of the hair shaft to identify and   distinguish  between animal hair of different species and human hair of varying ethnic types and individuals.

The hair of the mummified “Elder Woman” found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV 35) has been identified as Queen Tiy after scanning electron microprobe analysis and ion etching were used to compare a sample of the mummy’s hair with a lock of the queen’s hair found in an inscribed coffinette in the tomb of her probable grandson, Tutankhamun.

Further examination of the hair’s surface structure can also help to ascertain the original hair color which may have faded over time, been changed by environmental conditions, the process of mummification or by the use of dyes which we have found in a number of samples and extracted and identified by absorption spectrophotometry and thin-layer chromatography. Microscopic examination of the hair ends can also reveal details of specific styling techniques, with recent analysis having revealed the use of very sharp blades to cut the hair as early as c. 3000 BCE. SEM can also indicate the individual’s health, with specific areas of interest followed up using trace element analysis to provide information regarding diet and nutritional deficiencies, diseases, levels of environmental pollution and even the use of drugs and poisons which remain in the hair shaft long after they have left the rest of the body. And almost all of this is possible using a single hair as a biopsy material or a sample size of <0.1mg, literally the size of a pin head.

Over the past few years, careful examination of various hair samples has provided much  fascinating information. In 1998 the plundered burial of a middle-aged woman from the predynastic workers’ cemetery at Hierakonpolis proved particularly revealing after numerous scattered fragments of skull and hair were reconstructed to allow us to recreate her original hairstyle. This was clearly the result of many hours’ work undertaken by someone other than the lady in question, her natural hair of slightly more than shoulder-length having been turned into an imposing crest-like coiffure using numerous hair extensions, providing the earliest evidence of false hair yet found in Egypt.

The find was even more significant when we discovered that the woman’s graying brown hair had been dyed either shortly before death or as a post-mortem treatment, the dye turning the brown parts auburn while transforming the unpigmented white hairs bright orange. Those familiar with the vegetable dye henna (Lawsonia inermis) will recognize its characteristic effect, and indeed henna shrubs still grow at the site and continue to be used for the same purpose by the local population. They kindly showed us where the best leaves were to be found and, allowing us to help ourselves, they demonstrated the heavy stone they use to grind them to a fine powder which is mixed with water to color the hair, skin and nails. Inspired, we decided to undertake comparative tests using modern hair samples kindly supplied by members of our team, and our tests  eplicated exactly the effects observed in these ancient samples.

Our most recent field season, earlier this year at the site of the mysterious royal tomb KV 39 in the Valley of the Kings, revealed more wonderful hair finds, with the remains of at least four carefully plaited wigs of early 18th Dynasty date demonstrating a range of shades from the darkest brown to a mid-brown, almost blond color which may once again be the result of vegetable dyes.  Although we have only just begun our work on these finds, the ongoing results are continuing to provide clues to previously unanswered questions, not only regarding the hair but also the nails, soft tissue and indeed the linen mummy  wrappings and mummification materials which are being studied in detail.

As the most modern analytical techniques are starting to reveal the secrets of these ancient people, it is well worth remembering that what at first may appear as nothing very special can often have an interesting tale to tell, if only we pay such material as much attention as the ancient Egyptians themselves so obviously did.

Dr. Joann Fletcher has a B.A. in Egyptology and Ancient History from University College London and a Ph.D. in Egyptology from Manchester University. She specializes in human remains which she has studied in museum collections around the world and on site in Egypt, Yemen and South America. She is Egyptologist at Harrogate Museum and field director of York University’s Mummy Research Project. As well as her own publications, Dr. Fletcher writes regular features for the Guardian newspaper and the BBC’s History Online Web site.

Oldest Egyptian deliberate mummification found.

Wooden coffin yields ancient mummy

Archaeologists have discovered some of the oldest evidence yet of mummification.
The find will provide valuable new information
Human remains covered in resin and cloth were found inside a 5,000-year-old cedar wood coffin at Sakkara near Cairo, Egypt.

The coffin had been placed in a tomb thought to date from 3100 to 2890 BC under Egypt’s 1st Dynasty.

“We found more than 20 tombs built of mud bricks in this area and inside these tombs we found sarcophagi intact for the first time, completely enclosed in mud brick,” said Dr Zahi Hawass, head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities.

“When I opened this mud brick up I found the oldest mummy inside.

“The mummy has been dated as being some 5,000 years old and this mummy was covered completely with linen when we found it.

The discovery was made on Sunday.

Artificial preservation

The Egyptians were known to be burying their dead in small pits in the sand as far back as 5000 BC, relying on the heat and dryness of the desert to preserve bodies.

Chemical means of preservation were certainly in use by about 2700 BC.

Methods used between 1567-1200 BC were the most effective at preserving the dead, and the remains of King Ramses II, who ruled during that period, have been displayed at the Egyptian Museum.

Mummification could involve removal and dehydration of internal organs and embalming with linens and resins.

“In the last few years we’ve had to revise our views on how long mummification has been going on,” commented the British Museum’s John Taylor.

“Some bodies were found at a site called Hierakonpolis in the southern part of the Nile Valley. They show signs of mummification with resin and linen and they go back to around 3400 BC,” the assistant keeper in the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan told BBC News Online.

“This latest find is obviously a very early example of mummification. Any new information like this is bound to add to our knowledge of what is quite an unclear picture at the moment.”

This means the Uan Muhuggiag mummy only predates the Egyptian mummification process by about 500 years.

Doctored images on Afrocentrist websites.

I’m not kidding. Someone sent me a hysterical comment claiming this was what they ‘really looked like’. After a bit of a laugh, I dug out the image I have of Meritaten (currently in the Louvre) to compare it.

This is Nefertiti’s daughter, Meritaten, wearing a Nubian wig. If you take a close look, you can see both statues have the same scars on the left cheek. It appears someone has stuck a dark coloured filter over the  second image. If you take a look at the undoctored image you can see the patch of flesh coloured paint by her right eye, complete with eyeliner. I expanded this to cover part of her face with an art program and it’s in the same kind of skin tone range as most of the coffin and statue portraits I have, not black.

Another Afrocentrist site routinely puts a very dark grey filter over his images, then digitally snips some of them out and pastes them onto a new background. He can moan all he likes about copyright. Check that slight brightness around the image where it was ‘snipped’.

There’s a whole site of images like this. I’ve managed to track down the original images of some, and the skin tones have all been ‘helped’ to be ‘more realistically black’.



So if the Egyptians were obviously  black why do the images need to be doctored to make them look black?

3D computer recreation of Egyptian mummified head.

3D facial reconstruction and visualization of ancient Egyptian mummies using spiral CT data

This a  page on the reconstruction of this nameless mummy head, (inv. N .8643) presently in Florence. It’s a long read, but it shows the scans, and explains the whole process in detail. They firstly put the mummy through a CT scanner, then build up textured layers, the last one ‘borows’ someones face and maps the texture onto the fleshed out digital image. It’s interesting, but too long for me to post in it’s entirity. I get the impression this was on old guy wuth a grey beard when he died from the mummy, but the reconstruction looks a bit too young, and is missing the thin hair.


CT scans of Egyptian mummy skulls

Head and Skull Base Features of Nine Egyptian Mummies: Evaluation with High-Resolution CT and Reformation Techniques

OBJECTIVE. CT is an indispensable imaging tool in the evaluation of Egyptian mummies because it can noninvasively generate large amounts of data. We applied current CT imaging and postprocessing techniques to methodically survey the head and skull base features of nine Egyptian mummies in the hope of providing paleopathologic and radiologic information.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Nine Egyptian mummies were evaluated on helical CT using 1-mm axial scans obtained from the skull vertex to the mid cervical spine. Systematic evaluation of the skull and intracranial contents, paranasal sinuses, craniocervical junction, orbits, temporal bones including the middle and inner ears, teeth, and superficial soft tissues was undertaken. Reformatted and volume-rendered images were generated.

RESULTS. CT findings indicated that the intracranial contents of the nine mummies varied tremendously. Destruction of the anterior skull base structures in mummies without intracranial contents suggested a transnasal, transethmoidal approach to excerebration. A large amount of expensive embalming material within the skull of one mummy suggests that he may have been a royal pharaoh. A cleft palate deformity was identified in a child mummy. Temporal bone analysis revealed one case of asymmetric mastoid air cell erosion and dehiscence, which is strongly suggestive of prior mastoiditis. Craniocervical junction abnormalities and ossicular chain disruption in several mummies were attributed to postmortem damage. The orbital structures had intentionally been removed in several mummies. Dental disease was ubiquitous among the adult specimens.

CONCLUSION. The systematic evaluation of the head and skull base of mummies with CT can provide insight into the life, disease, death, and postmortem treatment of these ancient Egyptians.

Technically interesting to me, probably not to most of you!