Ancient Jomon DNA from Hokkaido

Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Jomon and Epi-Jomon individuals in Hokkaido, Japan.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology doi: 10.1002/ajpa.20923

N. Adachi1, K. Shinoda2, K. Umetsu3, Y. Dodo1. 1Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Tohoku University School of
Medicine, 2Department of Anthropology, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 3Department of Experimental and Forensic
Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University.

From the morphological point of view, prehistoric populations in Hokkaido are considered to have been least influenced by Yayoi immigrants. Therefore, genetic study of these people can be expected to provide important information on the genealogy of the early settlers of the Japanese archipelago. In the present study, we examined the genealogy of the seventy-six Jomon and Epi-Jomon skeletons excavated in Hokkaido, Japan by mitochondrial DNA analysis. To identify their genealogy securely, we analyzed the coding region of mtDNA by using amplified product-length polymorphisms (Umetsu et al., 2001, 2005) and direct sequencing. We also sequenced the segments of two hypervariable regions of mtDNA, and  assigned the mtDNA under study to relevant haplogroups using the known mtDNA databases.

Haplogroups D4, G1, M7a, and N9b were observed in the individuals, and N9b was by far the most predominant. The requencies of the haplogroups were quite different from any modern populations including Ainu and Okinawans. Haplogroup N9b is hitherto observed almost only in Japanese populations; therefore, this  haplogroup might be the (pre-) Jomon contribution to the modern Japanese mtDNA pool.

I’m looking for something on this journal summary, so I’ll be posting a lot of abtracts from it today.More on ancient Jomon DNA.

Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Jomon skeletons from the Funadomari site, Hokkaido, and its implication for the origins of Native American 
Ancient DNA recovered from 16 Jomon skeletons excavated from Funadomari site, Hokkaido, Japan was analyzed to elucidate the genealogy of the early settlers of the Japanese archipelago. Both the control and coding regions of their mitochondrial DNA were analyzed in detail, and we could securely assign 14 mtDNAs to relevant haplogroups. Haplogroups D1a, M7a, and N9b were observed in these individuals, and N9b was by far the most predominant. The fact that haplogroups N9b and M7a were observed in Hokkaido Jomons bore out the hypothesis that these haplogroups are the (pre-) Jomon contribution to the modern Japanese mtDNA pool. Moreover, the fact that Hokkaido Jomons shared haplogroup D1 with Native Americans validates the hypothesized genetic affinity of the Jomon people to Native Americans, providing direct evidence for the genetic relationships between these populations. However, probably due to the small sample size or close consanguinity among the members of the site, the frequencies of the haplogroups in Funadomari skeletons were quite different from any modern populations, including Hokkaido Ainu, who have been regarded as the direct descendant of the Hokkaido Jomon people. It appears that the genetic study of ancient populations in northern part of Japan brings important information to the understanding of human migration in northeast Asia and America.

2 responses to “Ancient Jomon DNA from Hokkaido

  1. my theory about ainu is ainu i think come from mixture mongoloid,neanderthaloid, and australoid.

    neanderthal make them have blue eyes, blonde hair , white skin, long nose, mongol make them have mongol genetic, australoid make them have deep set eye or others typical caucas skull

  2. you must read – The Seven Daughters of Eve by Bryan Sykes
    he studies mDNA from all over the world and found 95% of europeans belong to one of the seven mDNA groups he studied. there are actually more than 7 but he had hundreds of european samples since that’s his area. he hypothesized that neanderthals may have had different chromosome numbers than homo sapiens, resulting in sterile offspring. like the lion, tiger liger situation.
    he hoped for more studies in japan, korea, china and asia to shed light on the possible migration patterns. he did acknowledge that yayoi contributed a “significant” amount of mDNA to the modern japanese population, which is what they are saying here.

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