Mummy reconstruction of two Egyptian ‘brothers’

At the Manchester museum.

The two mummies were found by Flinders Petrie in 1907 at Rifeh in middle Egypt. They date to the middle Kingdom

These are the coffins of and Nekht-Ankh. Oddly, the black brother was found in the lighter faced coffin, which suggests there may have been a mix up at some point.

Upon examination, the ‘brothers’ who are named as brothers, having the same mother. However, Khnum-Nakht was a negroid and Nekht-Ankh a Caucasian, and it seemed very unlikely they were blood brothers, as the skulls and bodies showed no similarity to each other. It’s thought possible that one was possibly adopted.

The skulls and reconstructions.

Khnum-Nakht  and  Nekht-Ankh .

The full museum item is more complete.

10 responses to “Mummy reconstruction of two Egyptian ‘brothers’

  1. The so called blond Egyptians were of Berber origin. A few years ago the Egyptian authorities asked the French to help preserve the mummy of Ramases II. When the mummy of Ramases II arrived in France it was put through several tests; which prouved that the pharaoh had red hair and that he was of Berber origin, of the Kabyle type.
    There are some archaeologists who think that the pharaonic dynasties of Northern Egypt were the work of the Berbers or the so called ancient Lybians [Lybico-Berbers].
    As the pharaonic dynasties started in the Fayoum delta region of the North.

  2. Such emphasis on your own tribe, Uraeus… Your pride in the Kabyle Berber type is beyond obvious (and I read earlier that you are one). This is the first time I’ve heard such information of Berber ancestry for Ramses II, and I disagree. As New Kingdom expansion reached further into the Levant and what is now known as Palestine, we see a stronger influence coming from the peoples of this region and little from the West. This would explain Ramses classic “Middle Eastern” features (tall stature, prominent hooked nose etc). I remember how similar in appearance his image was to his West Asian adversaries in painted war scenes. His origins may very well have been Berber but, Eastern Libya would be a wiser choice based on Egypt’s documented peaceful interaction with them prior to the 19th dynasty.

  3. Mathilda, Khnum-Nakht and Nekht-Ankh may not have been blood related at all. We in the West are notorious for taking certain terms “literally” and face value suffices for truth… Peasants and royals, relatives and married couples alike called themselves “brothers” and “sisters” regularly as these were common gestures and quite customary in Egypt and the Near East at the time (you can still see this happening today).

  4. A quick comment on the lip thickness, is that it’s a thing that can be easily altered by mood/ facial expression, and the difference between the bust and the reconstruction appears to be within that range.

  5. Rely to Hakat Re

    There is no doubt to the origin of Rameses II; as his DNA proves his Berber origin.
    As for lower Egypt; the so called ancient Egyptians called Northern Egypt Temehu,and also that is what they called the ancient Berbers, [the connection is obvious], whom first occupied this region.
    This is well documented by various ancient Egyptian scholars and archaeologists, and genetic studies that confirm these works of study.
    There were many pharaons of different dynaties that ruled Egypt of Berber ancestry. These are documented facts of history.The whole of the North of Africa was called Tamaragh in the Berber language
    meaning land of the Berbers.

  6. Uraeus, I appreciate you being decent about it and not acting rude and beligerent as so many people often do with regards to the race of the Egyptians. I’d like to see a link or two of your sources for “The whole of the North of Africa” being called “Tamaragh” and a chronological reference for the time this term was used. I’m only asking this of you because you are implying that Egypt (which obviously is in North Africa) is included in that description made by the Berbers. Not refuting what you’re saying, just would like to see some credible sources for the info.

  7. “A quick comment on the lip thickness, is that it’s a thing that can be easily altered by mood/ facial expression, and the difference between the bust and the reconstruction appears to be within that range.”

    Sheesh… I’ve got to learn that “quote” thing she does.

    @ DC… You’re kidding right? You honestly expect people to believe your statement above can change the cranial features of an individual? Did you read what she said? She said “Khnum-Nakht was a negroid and Nekht-Ankh a Caucasian.” Trust me, If Mathilda would give it up for a black mummy it HAS TO BE true! 😀 (Look, Angelina Jolie has got some gorgeously full lips but, no expression she makes will change the fact that she got ’em. Give me a break. We’ve got to stop trying to excuse away who these people were. What is so painful about a mummy’s skull being Negroid once in a while? Please answer this with dignity.

  8. reply to Hakat Re;

    You wanted to see my resourses for the whole of North Africa Being called Tamazgha.
    Well all Berbers of North Africa know that their ancestral land was called Tamazgha.
    First of all for your information, the Berbers call themselves [Amazigh in the singular, Imazighen in the plural].

    Never the less her is my link,which comes form the: THE SHINING ONES; AN ETYMOLOGICAL ESSAY OF THE AMAZIGH ROOTS OF THE EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION, by Helene E. Hagan.
    ISN 1-4010-2412-2

    Please read below an excerpt from page number 105 of this work.

    The archaic devotees of the Neolithic “land of the mother of the pots,” “the land of irrigation,” and “the land of the date trees,” Ima-secket, which we can without a doubt by now designate as “Ta-Ma-Sehet” or “Ta-ma-zight,” were the ancestors to the people we know as Imazighen, who first inhabited the Sahara, the Libyan desert, and the entire land of North Africa known to them as “Ta-maz-gha” for millennia. In the language of the Book of the Dead, the designation” ‘TA-MA-A-ASER” meant “the Blessed Island of the Tamarisk of the lady Neith” and “tamaz” was used to designate the Blessed Land of our Ancestors, the Blessed Land of our origins, as well “The Beatified Ancestors.”

    I recommend this book to you, that`s why I put the ISBN number.In my first reply to you I spelt the word Tamazgha wrongly, for which I apologize.
    By the way I am always decent, and never act rude or, belligerent.
    I am a civilized Kabyle/Amazigh.

  9. Pretty interesting, Uraeus. I’ll check it out. Always looking to see new approaches to the rich and vast cultures of Africa and different ideas on origins. Besides, I always wanted to learn more about the Berbers. It’s a good idea to learn all perspectives to have well rounded knowledge. Thanks for the info.

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